In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the face is seen as a mirror of inner health. Face mapping assigns specific organs to different areas of the face, suggesting that skin changes in these zones may indicate imbalances or health issues.
Facial Zones and Their Organ Connections:
Forehead: Linked to the digestive system and bladder. Blemishes in this area may indicate digestive problems or dehydration.
Temples: Associated with the kidneys. Skin issues here might suggest kidney strain or dehydration.
Cheeks: Connected to the lungs and stomach. Redness or blemishes may hint at respiratory issues or stomach discomfort.
Chin: Tied to the hormonal system and reproductive organs. Breakouts in this zone could signal hormonal imbalances.
Holistic Skincare with Informed Cosmetics’ Hydrating Day Cream
Our skin not only reflects our internal health but also needs external care to remain healthy and radiant. The Hydrating Day Cream by Informed Cosmetics combines natural ingredients to deeply nourish and protect your skin.
Key Ingredients and Benefits:
- Rice Bran Oil: Rich in fatty acids and vitamins, it hydrates without clogging pores.
- Green Tea Extract: Soothes skin irritations, reduces puffiness, and combats blemishes.
- Shea Butter: Packed with Vitamin E, it fights free radicals and slows skin aging.
- Algae Extracts: Promotes cell regeneration and enhances blood circulation, supporting a healthy complexion.
By blending these high-quality ingredients, the Hydrating Day Cream supports your skin’s natural balance, strengthens its resilience, and encourages a healthy, glowing appearance.
Unite Inner and Outer Harmony for Radiant Skin
When paired with the insights of face mapping, the Hydrating Day Cream helps you achieve a holistic approach to skincare. It supports not just the outer vitality of your skin but also the inner balance necessary for long-term health and beauty.